When You Hear the Crash in Clawson: What to Do After an Accident
December 30, 2018
Motorists in North America drive about 3 trillion miles/4.8 trillion kilometers every year. There are over 250+ million licensed drivers, and approximately 6.2 million accidents happen every year. Unfortunately, if we're going to drive vehicles, there are going to be accidents. Knowing what to do... More

All Lined Up: Wheel Alignment Service at Top Tech Auto Repair Clawson
December 24, 2018
When all of your vehicle's wheels are lined up exactly with each other, your wheels are in alignment. Hitting a road hazard or even just the normal bumps and bounces of everyday driving in Clawson can cause your vehicle's wheels to be out of alignment.Driving for an extended time around Clawson ... More

Breathe Deep in Clawson With a New Cabin Air Filter
December 16, 2018
Poor interior air quality is nothing to sneeze at, and Clawson auto owners might be interested to know that more and more new cars are coming equipped with a cabin air filter. Check your vehicle owner's manual, but they typically need to be replaced at around 12,000 to 15,000 miles (19,000 to 24... More

I Can See Clearly Now: Wiper Blade Replacement in Clawson
December 9, 2018
About 90% of our driving decisions in the Clawson area are based solely on what we see. So having a good pair of windshield wipers is extremely important.Most Clawson drivers have experienced the frustration and fear of not being able to see clearly during a storm, or when our vehicle windshield ... More

Keep Your Tires Well Rounded in Clawson: Tire Rotation and Wheel Balancing at Top Tech Auto Repair Clawson
December 2, 2018
Taking care of our tires is part of vehicle care for Clawson drivers. We know they have to be replaced when they wear out, but tires also require some preventive maintenance. This maintenance will improve and extend the life of the tires, so it's well worth the effort and expense for Clawson dri... More