Breathe Easier (Cabin Air Filter)
November 26, 2023
When you get in your vehicle, how does it smell? If it's not so nice, it may be time to have your cabin air filter changed. It's not the same one that filters out the air used in the engine. The cabin air filter screens out dust and other particulates from the outside air so when it enters the c... More

New School: Automotive Top Tech Auto Repair Clawson Technician Training
November 19, 2023
Clawson consumers are demanding. We want a safe, reliable vehicle that handles well and is comfortable to ride in. Oh, and we want good fuel economy, too. We also want vehicle repairs that are cheap, fast and easy. Unfortunately, one usually comes at the cost of the other.Today's vehicles have ma... More

Fuel Saving Tip: Fuel System Cleaning Near Clawson, Michigan
November 12, 2023
A lot of fuel is wasted in the Clawson area by dirty fuel delivery systems in vehicles.Let's start at the tank. The gas tank gathers dirt, rust and sediment over the years. That's why there's a fuel filter to clean the fuel after it leaves the tank. A dirty filter will rob the engine of the clean... More

Do you have a Clue (Get the Most Out of a Service Visit)
November 5, 2023
When you head to the doctor, you probably have it in your mind what you're going to say about why you don't feel good. That way your doctor can use that information to diagnose your problem. You might want to think of that same approach when you take your vehicle in for a repair. Experts say wha... More