When Your Air Bag Light Comes On (Illuminated Air Bag Light)
November 28, 2021
There are some dashboard lights you should pay more attention to than others. One is the air bag light. If it's on and your vehicle is in an accident, your air bags probably won't do their job. Automakers began installing air bags in the late 1990's since they were mandatory in the United State... More

Automotive Tips from Top Tech Auto Repair Clawson: Wiper Blades ? Signs of Wear
November 21, 2021
90% of our driving decisions are based on vision. Anything that impedes your vision can affect your driving safety including a dirty windshield. In that sense, your wiper blades are an important safety system. Most Clawson drivers will wait until their wipers have failed before they replace them... More

Time Out: Suspension Problems in Clawson
November 14, 2021
Your vehicle's suspension system has two jobs: to prevent the passengers from getting tossed around inside the vehicle every time it hits a bump in the road and to keep the tires firmly planted on the road around every corner and over every bump.To see your suspension system, you'll have to look... More

The Daily Grind (Grinding Noise)
November 7, 2021
If your vehicle makes a grinding sound when you turn the steering wheel, it's speaking to you. No, really, it is. So listen to what it's saying and you could avoid a much more costly repair down the road. A grinding sound coming from the front of your vehicle when you are turning can offer some... More