Fuel System Cleaning at Top Tech Auto Repair Clawson in Clawson for Better Performance
August 28, 2022
A fuel injector is a valve that delivers fuel to a vehicle's engine. It has to deliver the precise amount of fuel to precisely the right place, precisely when the engine needs it. The fuel also has to be mixed with air before it can burn in the engine.Fuel injectors are engineered to spray fuel i... More

The Right Stuff (Choosing Replacement Parts)
August 21, 2022
Let's face it. Vehicles are complicated machines, each having thousands of parts. And since they're subjected to heat, cold, vibrations, bumps and much more, these parts wear out and need to be replaced. When your service advisor says you need a new part, you may have many options. Let's say ... More

Watching Your Check Engine Light
August 14, 2022
Did you know that most of the cars driving around Clawson, Michigan, carry more computer power than the Apollo 121 Lunar Module that landed on the moon in 1969?New cars sold in the Clawson area have as many as 12 networked computers and over five miles (eight kilometers) of wiring. In fact, for ... More

A Door No One Can Step Through (Fuel Door Repair and Maintenance)
August 7, 2022
Your vehicle has lots of doors including that one usually near the back on the vehicle's side. That's the fuel door, something you use every time you gas up. These endure hundreds of open-and-close cycles, usually without any problems. But when they act up, it can be a major inconvenience for ... More