Unlock the Secret (Malfunctioning Door Lock Actuator)
March 31, 2024
What a convenience power door locks are on a vehicle. The latest don't even require you to push the button on the key fob; all you have to do is have it with you. But sometimes there's a component of power door locks that can fail, especially when they are used several times each day. Those ar... More

Are There Blind Spots in Clawson?
March 24, 2024
All Clawson drivers have blind spots and no, I'm not talking about the fact that you really don't sing like Adele. I mean the areas of the road that you can't see when you're driving around Clawson.First let's talk about our own blinds spots, and then we can talk about others...To begin, we ca... More

Deciphering the Top Tech Auto Repair Clawson Menu Board
March 17, 2024
Let's talk about deciphering the auto service menu board. Clawson, Michigan, service centers like Top Tech Auto Repair Clawson have a board that lists the routine services they provide. But some people don't know what these services really are unless they ask. Let's go down a typical list, in al... More

Don't be Fuelish (Signs Fuel Pump is Failing)
March 10, 2024
A driver of a large SUV loaded with equipment was heading on a 7-hour work trip when he stopped at a gas station to refuel. When he went to restart his SUV, it turned over but wouldn't catch. Try as he might, he was never able to get it started again. Of course there are many things that can c... More

Don't Be Shocked (Shock Absorbers)
March 3, 2024
If you've ever ridden down a rough road on your bicycle, you know how hard a ride it can be. Yet drive down the same road in your car, truck or SUV and it miraculously will smooth out the ride. That's because it is equipped with shock absorbers. They are built to dampen impacts from road irreg... More